Again a well known miracle this one takes place right after the feeding of the 5000 (Matthew and Mark make sure that we know this) The disciples leave by boat, without Jesus as he was too busy praying. Which to me seems a little weird, unless he told them to do so, you'd think you wouldn't leave your illustrious leader behind on the other side of the lake. Anyhow they get a ways across and are in trouble again from a storm (they need to borrow some more storm worthy boats I think) then Jesus turns up walking on the water. They all freak out (as would I!) and Jesus tells them to chill. Peter then says
"Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you by walking on water."
which Jesus lets him do. Peter starts off okay but then gets the colly-wobbles and starts to sink Jesus reaches down and tells him,
"You don't have much faith, Why did you doubt me?"
and puts him back in the boat. The storm then stops and the disciples get down and worship him. Peter seems to be particularly good at saying one thing and then his actions do something else.