Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

This is probably one of the better known miracles of Jesus, it's also the point at which John rejoins us (Yay!). This particular translation does a better job of pointing out (especially in Matthew) that 5000 is really a bit of a misnomer as that only counts the men, and not the women and children. Also don't forget the really important woman in this passage - the Mum who made a pack lunch for her boy to take with him! In case you don't know the synopsis is that Jesus was teaching all day, and the Disciples remind him that he should send the people home before it gets dark as they have nothing to eat. Jesus tells the disciples to feed them, which (quite rightly) they claim is impossible. Jesus tells them to gather what is available, makes an offering to God, and proceeds to divide up the 5 loaves and 2 fish and hands it to the disciples to hand out to the people. When the crowd has eaten it's fill there are 12 baskets of leftovers.
Points of note:
- if we were to try & feed 5000 the catering truck would be obvious - therefore hiding the food in the open would not be possible. So it's not just the disciples who saw this miracle, it was the people as well.
- feeding 5000 families would cost quite a bit, I'm thinking that Judas wasn't carrying this much cash around in the money bag.
- Is it just me or is there a parallel between physically feeding people and feeding them with the word? The disciples thought it was impossible to physically feed the 5000, would they have said the same about teaching them? Did Jesus do this to show them that feeding a multitude with one man and God's power is easy.
- do the 12 baskets of leftovers have something to do with the 12 disciples?...
- and how pouring out yourself to many will result in an overflow, and provide more than you need?
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