Jesus Heals in Response to Faith
This passage covers 2 different Miracles as the telling of the resurrection of Jairus' daughter is split by the story of the woman who touches Jesus's cloak. The passage open with one of the leaders from the synagogue going to Jesus to ask him to heal his daughter, Jesus agrees to do so. Then on the way there a woman who has suffered for many years with a hemorrhaging problem squeezes through the crowd to touch Jesus's cloak knowing that this alone will heal her.

However Jesus detects her presence amongst the many there touching him and challenges the crowd as to whom it was. The disciples point out that everyone is touching him so what is he talking about? He persists and the woman comes forward, but instead of chastising her he tells her to go in peace as her faith has healed her.
At this point messengers arrive from Jairus's house saying it's too late, but Jesus tells them they are wrong and that the daughter is just sleeping (trust me even back then they know the difference between a coma and death as death doesn't involve breathing). Jesus clears out the house and despite being laughed at insists that the girl is asleep and enters the house with the parents and three disciples.

He then commands her to get up, and she does so and walks around the room. Jesus then tells Jairus and his wife to keep quiet about what happened. I'm not exactly sure why he keeps doing this, one person he will tell to go and proclaim the news the next he will tell to keep quiet, I am very confused as to his plan here.
I think he may ask some to keep quiet to avoid boasting or misrepresenting his actions. People may have said "oh that Jesus he's always trying to get peoples attention."
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