The Resurrection
This is the passage that means that not only are our sins paid for but that we are born again into a new life in Christ. This doesn't make us perfect (we will still make mistakes) but it does mean that we can now enter heaven, and have the Holy Spirit live in us. All very good stuff.

There are some differences between the accounts, but they all state that the women went to the tomb first, and the men came second, and that it all took place on the third day (Sunday morning). Three of the passages have angels that talk to the women, John (as usual) is the one that differs on this. If you are confused how Sunday morning is the third day it's to do with how the Jewish calendar counts days. A day begins at sunset, so Jesus died on Friday (day one) was still dead on Saturday (day two) and was resurrected on Sunday (day three)
I am so silly If you continue to read John's passage it does talk about Mary and the Angels - my bad I have updated the link to reflect this
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