Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man

This is the story of the man who is lowered by his friends through the roof of the house where Jesus is teaching from - well at least that part is mentioned in Mark & Luke, Matthew doesn't mention it. They all however talk about Jesus forgiving the mans sins (which only God can do). This gets the pharisees' knickers in a twist as they get all upset over this, and so without them even having a chance to whinge about it to Jesus, he turns round and asks them;
"Why do you think this is blasphemy? Is it easier to say to the paralyzed man, `Your sins are forgiven' or `Get up, pick up your mat, and walk'?"
So to prove that Jesus is who he says he is he tells the man to get up and walk, which he does! This impressed all those there at the time - it's a shame that so many non-believers write it off now

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