The Birth of Jesus Foretold
These passages cover the arrival of the angel Gabriel who tells Mary about how God is going to use her to carry his son!!! This passage speaks volumes about faith and trusting in God - I pray that I can have the same strength to listen to God when he speaks to me. Both Mary and Joseph are visited - Mary so that she knows what is going to happen, and Joseph so that he doesn't call off the wedding. I have always kinda wondered what the parents were thinking at this time. I am guessing that Mary's Dad would have got pretty angry about this - which suggests that either Joseph made sure that they had the wedding pretty quickly so that no questions were asked outside of the family - although that seems unlikely as Matt 1:19 talks of how he found out and planned to break the engagement quietly. The other choice is that the parents were exceptionally faithful too and either just believed what their kids told them, or were also told by God too. This is of course all hypothesis, and really not that relevant to the message which is.
Believe God when he tells you something (no matter how unbelievable it seems). Follow through on God's instructions (so that you will be blessed). Others can tell you are following God's instructions. It's good to sing praises to God about the unexpected blessings in your life.
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